Thursday, May 15, 2014

Influenster: imPress Manicure Canada VoxBox

Hey Ladies, (and gents)
I'm part of a site called Inflluenster, for those of you who are too part of it, you may have gotten this box. To those who don't know what it is, and care to know what it is; continue reading!

Influenster is a site that you can join, and do a bunch of tasks, reviews, surveys, and so on. With every single thing you do, you earn points. The goal is to gain lots of points. Theres many different badges that will pertain to you, whether you're an animal lover, a work out enthusiast, a college student, a mom, a book-worm, anything!! So if you are lucky, you can qualify for some VoxBox's. Whats a VoxBox you ask? Have you heard of Ipsy, Birchbox, etc? Its similar, this one you don't pay for though. Because you are doing reviews and surveys, they take that information and will decide if you qualify for the upcoming box(totally free, no shipping nothing). Once they determine if you are, you'll get an email telling you to go do the pre-survey. Usually when you do this survey, you'll know the general idea of what the box will contain, which is always a secret. Then usually a few days later you'll get another email if you qualified. Then you get your box o' goodies in the mail & review the items inside, take pictures, make videos, do whatever it is that you do! Pretty neat, right? I'm a little obsessed with just going and getting as many badges as I can.

So because I live in Canada, I don't qualify for lots of the boxes that they do send out, but I have gotten I think 3 boxes now & its always so exciting!! This box, was all about the impress Manicures from Broadway Nails. What these are, are essentially just press on nails. They last a little bit longer, they give you the length and the design without having to fork out 30+ dollars for them. I'm not a huge fan of press on nails, so I wasn't super enthused when I got this box yesterday. I am pretty hard on my hands; I cut hair, and I bartend. My hands are always in water, and always opening cans/bottles. Its just not beneficial for me to wear them, cause they'll pop off, and with my luck it will land in that cute guys drink I just made! (no thank you!!). I think the concept is neat! They say they will last on your nails for up to a week, which I believe could be possible if you are easy on your hands.

So, while I love these boxes, this one was a total flop for me, and I will be giving these sets to my sister!

disclaimer: I was not paid to do this, and was sent this box purely for review purposes!

Thursday, May 8, 2014

spring whaaaat?!

Two posts in 2 days?! Whoa, lucky you guys! (or its just cause I remembered I had a blog, and wanted to get it up and going again haha) 
I didn't really know what to name this, so thats what the name is going to be! Super original, right? I know...... 
Can we just talk about the weather in Alberta, Canada for a moment? One day its snowing, the next its windy and warm, then an hour later its raining, then 4 hours later its snowing, then you wake up to 20 degrees Celsius(68F).... Its like mother nature is pregnant, and is having major hormonal changes... Its exhausting for me and my body, and my closet! Gotta wear 5 different outfits a day just to accommodate the weather proper.... Can it just be summer already?!
What a pointless post I have going.... On to the real reason for this post.... 
I don't care if you are reading this on May 5/2014, or May 5/2033 ... I want to know what YOU want to see from my blog. Do you want me to review products (hair, nails, body, face, make up,etc). Do you want me to have pointless posts like this one(please say no). I can do pictorials for make up, nails, etc... Learn my morning/night routines? See what I do during the day? Theres SO many different things I can do, so many different directions I can take this blog and I want it all to be up to YOU! I don't want to dictate what goes on here(to an extent). I want to make posts that will bring people in, who want to come back daily to see what my new blog post is about. I want people to tell their friends, who will tell their friends, and so on... I want it to be a place of learning, laughing, sharing... I mean, I won't make you laugh like ShayCarl can (If you haven't heard of him, can you please discard that rock you've so clearly been living under cause he is probably one of the best youtube vloggers everrrrrrr), but I can sure try!! 
Anyways, enough of my rambling nonsense... Please let me know what you want to see in the future. Is there a product you saw at the store, but don't want to buy it until you get solid reviews? Let me know, if I can get it in Canada...I will get it...If not, send it to me & I will let ya know what I think! ;) 
Have a good day/night/morning/afternoon/day! 
shianne xo

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Strangers! HELLO! :)

Hello to my followers. I've really become a stranger! I got so caught up with life. The last time we talked, I was just starting new jobs. Since then, I worked at the childrens salon, a tanning salon, a restaurant, and a nightclub. For a short period of time, I did all 4 at once. It was a rough summer, and I missed out on all the fun that a 22 year old could have had! I didn't go camping once, or anything. So I'm hoping this summer is different! 
I no longer work at any of those jobs, except for the nightclub. I had to get surgery on my foot, as I had a disease called Freibergs Disease. So I had that in December, then 4 days later my family and I moved to a new home, in the same city. So life was pretty hectic for a while there. Moving, while on crutches and in a cast and not being allowed to weight bare at all...It was tough. I lost my job at the hair salon & tanning salon because they didn't have enough hours for me... It sucks, but its life & you gotta move on! 

I have been getting more & more into make up, and trying new things! My new current obsession is smudged dark brown liner on my upper lash line. I love how soft it looks. I've decided liquid black wings are pretty harsh, and not that practical for my daily life! 

I haven't been doing much hair lately, as I am still having some issues with my foot(and will be getting surgery again in the fall. :( boo) I would love to be back doing hair full time, as I want to get my apprenticeship hours finished so I can be licensed, but that might be a bit before it happens. Its a little discouraging but whats life if you don't have any roadblocks in the way? Can't always be rainbows and butterflies! 

Anyways, I thought I'd just post a quick catch up, whether you read my posts every time I post, or if you just found me. If so, HELLO! If not, Hello again!! 
I hope everyone had a great winter, and their spring is treating them right! I will let you know in the morning if spring is treating me right (woke up to snow this morning, which wasn't all that great but it was gone in a few hours). 
Have a great day, morning, night, afternoon! 

Shianne xo

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

missing, again.

Hey Beauties, 

I haven't posted in a while. I kind of got discouraged because I dont have many views. But then I had to remind myself that I'm just starting out and I need to get some interesting posts up and share my link so everyone knows about it. 
I started two new jobs, well I start the second one tomorrow! I'm nervous but excited. I work at a childrens hair salon, and in a restaurant. I wanted to be in a night club too but at least with a restaurant I can work more, because I'monly at the salon on Fridays & Saturdays. So I took what I could! I am undecided if I enjoy my job at the salon. I feel bad when the kids are screaming. Makes me sad... 
I lightened my hair again, I think its too light now though so I need to foil in some brown or a dark blonde... one day I'll be happy with my hair, maybe. 
I'm excited to go to the ABA Hair Show in April. I know its still 2 months away basically but I'm getting really excited! I don't talk to many people up there anymore but I still love the city and love going every single time, the drive is brutal though! 
Anyways, thought I'd catch up with my readers(or future readers)
I promise I'll be back soon! 

xo, shi

Friday, February 8, 2013

olive oil, what!

Hey Beauties, 

So I watch CarlieStylez quite often and a couple of weeks ago I watched her video on the olive oil treatment and I wanted to try it. I wouldn't ever remember til I was already in the shower...last night, Im laying in bed super bored and I remembered the olive oil treatment... 
What you do, is warm up some olive oil, not too warm, apply it to your hair(I suggest keeping it on the ends, as your roots already get oily due to your natural oils coming out), put a bag on your head whether that be a shower cap, or a shopping back like me. You then will put the blowdryer to your lucious, oily locks and keep constant heat on it for about 20-25 minutes, or until it feels fairly warm. Then rinse it out... I took an entire shower, and my body felt oily after but I feel really hydrated today. So its up to you whether you wanna just pop your head into the sink, or have a full shower. Make sure you shampoo really good to get all that oil out. You can condition if you want, but I recommend you dont. and to help your hair out, let it air dry! 
My opinion on this... it works great, but I didnt wash my hair good enough and I still feel some oil in my hair. But thats okay cause I have nothing to do until tomorrow morning! My hair feels super soft, and I am very pleased. I bleached my hair too much so my ends are pretty bad right now, so this is a major improvement. 

Would I recommend this home remedy/service? Sure! If you have the patience to let it heat up good, and to spend a few extra minutes scrubbing to get rid of the oil...otherwise, skip it & use a leave in conditioner :) 
Let me know if you tried it and what you thought! :) 

xo, shi

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Ivory 2-in-1 Hair & Body

Hey Beauties

Heres a different post for whoever is reading my thoughts and opinions! :) I am going to do a review on the Ivory 2-in-1 for Hair & Body! 
First off, I was a little skeptical because what washes your body doesn't necessarily mean you can wash your hair with it too, until now. This product is made to wash you, head to toe; literally. It says that it conditions your hair as well as washes it. I didn't find it too conditioning it, but that could be because I bleached the crap out of my hair and nothing makes it feel conditioned at this point.... 
My body felt very clean and refreshed, which is always nice during those early morning showers we all hate. 
Another perk is that you have less bottles in your shower! I have so many right now, I have 3 different shampoos, 2 different conditioners, 3 body washes, a facial scrub, and 2 bars of soap. I could easily get rid of 10 items by using this product! 
I recommend it for those who do not need major conditioning for their hair, or if they just want to use it for their body! 
If you want to try this product, head on over to Ivory's website to read more about it 
As well, Influenster has a a short video on it, and you can check that out at
Let me know what you thought of it and if you would repurchase! 

xo, shi

disclaimer: I received this product complimentary from Influenster

Wednesday, January 30, 2013


Hey Beauties, 

I am laying here and bed and something pops into my mind! Let me know if you'd be interested in this or not! 
I love showing people how i do my hair.. my make up, etc... so I was thinking of maybe making videos and posting them on youtube for everyone to watch? Would anyone be interested in watching them if I did do it?
If so, what kinds of videos do you like watching on youtube? Daily life, make up tutorials, hair tutorials, life lessons, room tours, house tours...etc. Let me know!! 
I feed off of your advice & thoughts!! 
xo, shi